How to choose the ideal Thermometer
We all have been accustomed to using thermometers since our early days. Whenever there’s an illness in the family, the foremost thing that you do is check the affected individual’s body temperature using the right device. While you would still find the good old mercury-glass thermometer in the most traditional household, technology has made huge strides in the world of healthcare. Why spend time comparing options online or in-store when you get all that you need right here? We have compiled a list here of some best thermometers in India, along with a few different types and key features that you should look for while buying from anyone.
Different types of thermometers –
Thermometers are essential of 5 different types (based on how you use them) – Oral, Rectal, Forehead, Tympani, and Axillary.
The right type of thermometer that you need depends on your personal preferences and the age of the patient. For instance, in the case of an infant, a forehead or tympanic thermometer would be a better option compared to an oral or rectal variant. Since babies and kids are generally difficult to deal with. Invasive methods like measuring the temperature through the rectum or mouth may get slightly tricky in such cases. You can also get thermometers that are multipurpose. Here’s a complete lowdown on different kinds of thermometers that are great for measuring body temperature. So, let’s take a glimpse here –
Mercury glass thermometer –
Once the preferred type of thermometer, the mercury glass thermometer is now considered outdated. It is used for measuring temperatures orally, rectally, or under the arm. These thermometers are difficult to read. Another downside to mercury glass thermometers is the fact that they release mercury and break easily.
Digital thermometer –
An electronic thermometer is normal today since they do not present any of the disadvantages that a mercury glass thermometer does. With digital displays and a firm body, these are easy to read, safe, and user-friendly.
Infrared Thermometer –
As the name suggests, these thermometers use infrared technology to gauge the heat on the surface. The biggest advantage of an infrared thermometer is that it displays results quickly – within a matter of a few seconds. One can also get ear and forehead variants of infrared thermometers with an easy-to-read display screen.
Basal Thermometer –
Basal thermometers are used to gauge slight temperature changes in women’s bodies, suggesting that ovulation has taken place. Such thermometers are placed in the rectum or under the tongue and very sensitive thermometers are rarely used at home.
What features should you look for in any thermometer?
With a mass of thermometers available for you to choose from, how you ensure that you have selected the right one? Well, there’s no such thing as the right thermometer to start with. Here’s a list of must-haves that you should ever look for:
Convenience – The first thing that you should consider is the fact that you are choosing one for a senior citizen who may be suffering from impaired vision or shaky hands. You will need a thermometer that is easy to handle and deliver readings loud and clear.
Accuracy – An all-important factor when choosing a thermometer is its ability to provide accurate readings. You don’t want to take risks when it comes to dealing with body temperatures and the potential serious consequence it has.
Response Time – Whenever we look for instant gratification in all walks of life, why should it be any different when it comes to healthcare products? This is the one special area where time is one of the most crucial factors.
Units of measurement – While we Indians are familiar with Celsius, there might be some of you who want the reading to be provided in Fahrenheit too. Though, this isn’t essential or doesn’t make any difference.
Safety – As mentioned, mercury glass thermometers are known to be hazardous as well as brittle. You can choose sturdy and safe to use, which ideally comes in a plastic case so you can keep it secure when not in use.
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Conclusion –
Hopefully, this guide will be helpful to you when it comes to buying an ideal thermometer. So, now that you are well-versed in some specific things that you should consider when choosing the ideal thermometers, check out our thermometer at Easy Aid and take your pick!